- Find a coding buddy.
- Complete Ruby on Rails course (course 4) by mid-January, 2015.
- Complete Michael Hartl: Ruby on Rails at the same time.
- Observe workings of Odin Project behind the scenes.
- Start contributing to Odin Project -February 2015.
On Monday I began working through a Discrete Math textbook in preparation for some courses I'll be taking in January. There was a beautiful logic problem in Chapter 1, apparently created by Einstein. This is one version of it: Five men with different nationalities and with different jobs live in con secutive houses on a street. These houses are painted dif ferent colors. The men have different pets and have dif ferent favorite drinks. Determine who owns a zebra and whose favorite drink is mineral water (which is one of the favorite drinks) given these clues: The Englishman lives in the red house. The Spaniard owns a dog. The Japanese man is a painter. The Italian drinks tea. The Norwegian lives in the first house on the left. The green house is immediately to the right of the white one. The photogra pher breeds snails. The diplomat lives in the yellow house. ...
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